Tuesday 26 October 2010


So, pretty much as I'd thought would happen, school is out for les vacances des Toussaint and I've fallen into a weird fuzzy sleepy spiral of disorientation and oddness:

I slept through Monday (except for 3 hours in the pub).

I slept through half of Tuesday, before I got the guilt at around 2.30pm and got out of bed to Do Things. It might be the week (and a half) off, but I still have a heap of bureaucratic things to do that I've failed to do so far. As it is, all I managed to do today was go the doctor. I didn't even know if i was in the right waiting room - there was a poster about not touching wild rodents' droppings to avoid catching haemorrhagic fever, so I made an educated guess. It turned out to be the right guess, and within 15 minutes I was in the doctor's office. In France, it appears, you don't need to register - you just show up and wait. You do, however, have to pay (and then send a reimbursement form to Social Security). All I needed today was a prescription for more happy pills, so we had to do the whole damn history, then a physical (at one point, taking my blood pressure, he said "c'est quarante-huit, c'est trop". I have no idea what he was referring to. Possibly my pulse?).

Tomorrow I'll take the prescription to the pharmacy and steel myself to be thoroughly rogered in the bank account department. I haven't yet received my Social Security number - although MGEN (the company) does email me regularly suggesting I pay for their advanced medical plan. Despite the fact I'll have about 6 appointment and the same number of prescriptions while I'm here (not counting any emergencies), I'm pretty sure it'll work out cheaper NOT to pay into an insurance plan.


over and out

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